Alli’s nursing background…
includes emergency medicine, cardiology, cardiac rehabilitation, and clinical nursing faculty. During Alli’s nursing career, she became discouraged with the Band-Aid approach to medicine. She noticed a revolving door where patients would come back again and again seeking a quick fix, a Band-Aid to cover up the signs and symptoms of their disease. Alli knew there had to be another way to heal patients, one which discovered the root cause of their illness and thus begin healing from within. This is what began her journey in integrative and alternative medicine.

After becoming a mother…
Alli realized the health of her family should always come first and began researching functional nutrition and integrative medicine. She soon realized there is another way to health and healing that acknowledges the whole person while healing the mind, body, and soul. This led her to craving even more knowledge and skills so she could help others. Alli completed a year-long functional nutrition training program, and was accepted to the University of Arizona’s inaugural Integrative Heath and Lifestyle Program under the direction of Dr. Andrew Weil and Dr. Victoria Maizes. She eventually graduated and became a Certified Integrative Health Coach from the University of Arizona’s Center for Integrative Medicine’s first ever Integrative Health Coaching program.